IT departments are shifting their model to include the impact of the cloud. Traditionally, businesses run software on an in-house server. With the advent of the cloud and Software as a service (SAS), companies are shifting from the in-house server to the cloud server.

IT departments need to shift their focus and adapt their model to incorporate the impact of the cloud on information technology. Some changes include:

Focus more on process improvements and less on infrastructure deployment. In two or three years deploying in-house servers will become less common and possibly more cost prohibited. Instead of deploying servers, IT companies should dedicate their time to finding ways to operate more efficiently.

– Focus more on Software integration and less on software implementations. It will become more common to find applications running on different clouds and therefore a new need is born. The need to integrate applications running on the cloud. No longer will the focus be on installing software throughout the network; now the focus is on how do I integrate the applications that no longer reside on a local server.

Focus more on virtual hardware capabilities (Cloud) and less on Local hardware requirements (PC).  Nowadays, many applications run perfectly on a tablet such as an iPad, and hence it becomes more relevant and important to make sure the cloud application is quick to respond.

In a nutshell, IT departments need to do a paradigm shift or else they will not provide the most effective and efficient solution to their business and clients. Furthermore, not shifting the business model, posses the risk of completely going out of business.

At Helpnet we believe that, in order to best serve the interest of clients, IT departments need to become IT consultants that provide support; this is in contrast to IT support departments that provide IT consulting.

To accomplish this shift, IT departments, need to invest in training employees and need to hire new talent that is capable and experienced in the Management and consulting side of Information Technology, not just the support side of IT.

Otto Rivera is the CEO at HELPNET. He has a System Engineer // MBA degree and since 1998 has been helping companies simplify their business with the aid of technology. He loves to practice Skanda Yoga and truly believes that if you get the foundation right everything else falls into place.

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